Can you squeeze me in?

Have you called your stylist requesting an appointment immediately to find out the next available appointment is four to six weeks out? You know the devastation. At this moment you think to yourself, "I should have rebooked as suggested".

So what's next? You call around to find a salon with available appointments. Ah, good! You found one. In most cases, you will not be leaving happy, so you call your stylist pleading to be squeezed in for a correction. Once your original stylist is able to see you, you are spending double to triple the cost for correcting your hair color. Who knows, it may even require several appointments to return your hair to its former glory.

What's my point? Take the time to rebook with your stylist because your stylist knows your hairs chemistry and what you like and dislike. An excellent stylist will be booked with few availabilities.
