Hair fungus?

I’ve recently been reading about the dangers of going to bed with wet hair. I used to go to bed with wet hair from time to time, so the topic intrigued me. I started diving into this further to dissect the potential harm. I was hoping I could debunk or solidify the theory.

Here is what I do know. If you read my previous post, you know hair swells to 30% it’s size when wet. I do not know one person that does not toss and turn whilst sleeping. If your hair is wet and swollen and you are shifting around on your wet hair, in theory, it makes sense hair would break from the tossing and turning.


Here are the two theories I’m skeptical about, and I will continue researching.


  1. Sleeping with wet hair causes fungus growth on the scalp. I don’t it’s completely unrealistic. It’s wet (your hair) and stagnant in a dark space which typically breeds fungus, but I think it takes more than 6-8 hours for fungal/mold growth with the right conditions. My unrealistic fear is it’s perfect conditions for certain spiders bc I found spiders mixed in with my laundry in the basement. My basement is a dark and moist area. The thought alone will prevent me from going to bed with wet hair! Now a wet pillow is a different story. My outdoor couch cushions get moldy after they’ve been rained on and not dried immediately, so I don’t have much faith in my sleeping pillow not growing mold from multiple nights of wet hair contact. In my research I’ve read sleeping with wet hair creates higher risk for ringworm. What?! Ive never had a client with scalp ringworm. What I could believe is a yeast or fungal growth on the scalp from repeat offenders. Please let me know your thoughts.

  2. Sleeping with hair suppresses the immune system. Hmmm. Here is the theory. Our body temperatures naturally should drop when we fall asleep, but I know many whose body temperatures rise while sleeping due to a hormonal imbalance. Taking melatonin drops your body temperature to aide in a more restful sleep. Therefore, wet hair plus lower body temperature suppresses the immune system, and you are more susceptible in catching a cold or flu. Our bodies naturally run a fever to fight off infection, so the theory of cold, wet hair and body temperature drops suppressing the immune system doesn’t seem completely fabricated. To catch a cold, wouldn’t you have to be around someone with a cold? Now what if you run warm when you sleep? Warm body plus cold, wet hair creates a warm, damp environment which brings me back to spiders and fungus. My personal conclusion, do not go to bed with wet hair.


What are your thoughts or theories?
