The perfect round brush

It doesn’t exist yet. I want to make one because I haven’t found what I consider the perfect round brush. I have found one that comes close.


The Wet Brush Epic.

  • It will do in a pinch. It does not have the raised edges which could catch and pull hair out. It has the metal barrel for heating and shaping the hair like a curling iron would.

  • It has nylon and boar bristles. Nylon to detangle, and boar bristle to defrizz and add shine.

  • The only “downside” is the handle doesn’t have a soft cushioned grip. After applying slippery product to my damp hair, my hands are to slick for a good grip.

Like I said. Almost perfect.

Give this brush (link to purchase below) a try and let me know what you think!!google!Product_Listing_Ads&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=pla-945078425695&CAAGID=107718646756&CAWELAID=330000200001404778&CATARGETID=330000200002459536&CADevice=c&gclid=Cj0KCQjwz96WBhC8ARIsAATR250r_X16GMYK9desUkFKmINismqaXAj-ba1FhT1HOx2eYnnvz8SKF80aAlSMEALw_wcB
